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Wooden shoes in Holland


We, from Dutch-Clogs, sell wooden shoes in Holland, but also to the rest of the world. And we love it when we get a nice message from a customer that he loves the clogs he or she got.

Wooden shoes as a gift

Most of the times people buy the Dutch wooden shoes as a gift, but sometimes they are actually are used. The clog is perfect for several occasions. Today they are being used as protective clothing in agriculture as well as in some industrial facilities. But of course the most of the people in the Netherlands don’t walk on them 😉 In villages as Staphorst or Bunschoten people still wear traditional clothing and also wooden shoes.

Our shop offers a wide variety of wooden clogs. When you want custom made clogs, please let us know.

Making wooden shoes in the early days

In the early days it would take three till four hours to make one pair of wooden shoes. This was all done by hand. First with a pull saw they sliced the tree trunk. Then the slice needed to be split. Then with a small axe given the rough shape. And after that with a sharp knife the clog maker would smooth the shape of the clog on the outside. After this process of course the inside should be scooping out. Clog makers always work with wet wood as they have to make a lot of curves. This is because dry wood would splinter.
When the clog was ready, drying of the carved clogs took about three weeks.

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